The powder room has lost its place in the world today, but if you were to go back 200 years, powder was serious business. In fact, you would have had a hard time finding an aristocrat who didn’t walk down the street with a cloud of powder trailing behind their towering head.
Powdering a wig was typically much easier because it could be done off the head, but if you wanted your own locks blended into the wig or wanted to powder your own hair…well better sit back and grab a baguette. You are in for a long process.
How to powder your hair

Your valet would first bring you into a special room designed specifically just for powdering called the wig closet or powder closet. Next, he would plaster your hair with grease, (usually bear grease) or if you were wealthy enough, pomatum. Pomatum was a scented paste typically composed of mutton suet and lard. Yum. Sound appetizing? Well if you were a rat you would certainly think so. Hair became so infested with rodents that beauty books contained special vinegar recipes to rid hair of vermin. We think we suffer for beauty? Imagine having to dig a rat out of your enormous coif just to get great hair. Not everyone could afford pomatum either. British sailors were forced to use tar to keep their wigs in place. I can't imagine how they got it out.

I had long assumed that powder was made chiefly of flour, but at the height of hair raising styles, flour was actually considered the cheap stuff. The real high-test powders were made of violet-scented orris-root powder or elaborate mixtures of civet, musk and cypress flours designed to cover up the odor of vermin and small beasties living in your hair. (Civet is an extremely strong odor so we can understand why Louis XIV complained about his overly perfumed mistresses.)
You had a number of color options too for powder. It was usually white or grey but sometimes brown, black or blond was used and for a brief time, pink, blue and lavender power became all the rage.

And that was just the powder for your hair. Powder was also used in cosmetics...but that is a post for another day.
Sources and Further Reading:
Images from the Lewis Walpole Library and Gettty Images
Pointer, Sally, The Artifice of Beauty: A History and Practical Guide to Perfumes and Cosmetics, UK: Sutton Publishing, 2005.
Sherrow, Victoria. The Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History,Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.
Bryer, Robin. The history of hair : fashion and fantasy down the ages, London : Philip Wilson ; Wappinger Falls, N.Y. : Distributed in the USA and Canada by Antique Collectors' Club, 2000.
Corson, Richard. Fashions in Hair, London : P. Owen, 1980.
Interesting post! I'm glad I didn't have to suffer for fashion on that level :)
Can you imagine how they must have itched???Wow, I can not imagine having to do this every day....great post!!!
You've answered all my questions re: how-tos without my having to ask them! Perfect timing -- thank you!!
Its funny how hair regimen tends to evolve through the years..However, in relation to the hairstyles evolution comes the problem of hair loss in both men and women.But this can be prevented with the right choice of solution.
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