During Louis XIV's reign, it’s no wonder how anyone ever got pregnant because women could not have sex one hundred days of the year during Catholic observance days. Soon fertility went hand in hand with some of the wackiest superstitions in history. For example, to get a son, women were instructed to conceive during the waxing moon and to constrict the man’s left testicle. (girls came from the left testicle, boys came from the right). Men were also instructed to work a bit harder because it was believed that a woman’s orgasm increased fertility. (Yey! This one is actually true.) The church advised women to pray to St. Leonard, a hermit who founded a monastery and was the patron saint of prisoners. (Ironic, considering pregnancy often feels like an imprisonment). I do believe in the power of prayer and praying to any saint seems like a far better option then waiting for a waxing moon. I would just pick another saint. Those handcuffs he is holding are kind of scary.
When royals failed to conceive, they also could rely on the old Renaissance card trick - the phantom baby. When Henry VIII’s sister, Mary married the ailing, decrepit King of France, Louis XII, there was little hope for an heir. But without a heir, Mary also had little chance of staying in France and the clock was ticking with her gouty husband. No problem for this Tudor vixen. After Louis’ death, Mary simply wrapped her thin waste in towels and staged an occasional fainting spell. Unfortunately, no one bought the ruse especially the mother of Francis I, Louise of Savoy, who knew her son had a pretty good chance of becoming the next king if there were no visits from Mr. Stork. Louise ordered a full medical examination that turned up with Mary looking much thinner minus her pseudo baby bump. Shortly after her husband’s death, Mary was sent packing.
The beautiful Bianca Capello took the pregnancy ruse one step further. Around 1564, Bianca caught the eye of the son of the Grand Duke of Florence, Francesco de Medici. Unfortunately, Bianca was already married to a young clerk named Pietro Bonaventuri and Francesco was married to Johanna of Austria. In the Medici household, pesky husbands had a habit of turning up dead and wives were practically invisible. Such was the fate of Pietro when he was found murdered in the streets of Florence after a “scuffle”.
Bianca and Francesco carried on until 1574 when Francesco became Grand Duke of Tuscany. Throughout Francesco’s marriage, Johanna had only born him six measly daughters (a son died in youth). Now all Bianca needed to get the misses out of the way was a bouncing baby Medici. She took to wearing layered clothing and told Francesco the happy news. After a secluded "birth", she swiped a baby from a working class mother and passed it off as Francesco's new heir to the Medici fortune. The baby was named Antonio, Johanna died a few years later, and Bianca had her fairy tale ending.
Not exactly. Even though Bianca had conveniently disposed of her accomplices, Francesco found out. No worries still. Illegitimate sons could become heirs in Florence….if they could survive the machinations of the family members they were replacing. Antonio did survive. Mom and Pops were not so lucky. Bianca and Francesco mysteriously turned up dead after vacationing in their villa. Their symptoms coincide with arsenic poisoning probably ordered by Francesco’s brother Ferdinando...but that is a post for another day.
Awesome post! I had no idea there were so many fertility rituals in history. Those poor women.
In the (surprisingly lengthy) annals of fake pregnancies--or pregnancies certain people chose to see as fake--one cannot forget the "warming-pan" baby attributed to James II of England and his wife. Whether the child was truly theirs or not, the allegation that he was a ringer did a lot to cost James the throne.
Elizabeth - I am sure there are many more that I am forgetting.
Undine - oh that is a good one. I forgot about James II's baby.
Wonderful post, beardedlady! It is very informative, I enjoyed it immensely.
It got me thinking about the reverse of these fertility treatments - the historical methods of preventing pregnancy! Caterina Sforza's collection of over 400 recipes, potions, tinctures, and health / beauty tips, "Gli Experimenti" had such information, written by her own hand mostly.
She herself bore eight children who lived to maturity, and I wonder if she knew of or used any fertility potions. Actually, she was an active, passionate woman, which must have contributed to her overall good heatlh. It was recorded that when the castellan threatened to revolt she rode her horse hard 7 miles from her castle to the fortress 8 months pregant! She gave birth to a son the very next day.
Really enjoyed this post - came to it via Historical Fiction Online wher someone had pasted the url.
There's a fabulous book of Medieval pregnancy and conception lore called the Trotula - available in translation from the original Latin texts by Monica H. Green.
Elizabeth Chadwick passed this on via Twitter - great post: interesting, informative and a giggle!
Makes you wonder just how many pregnancies were faked & babies smuggled in - or how many Dads were not actually the father...
Thanks for sharing!
Wow - it's no wonder that some women reverted to false pregnancies when the fertility rituals they were performing were so gross! Thanks for the info.
Great post!
Re: St Leonard being the patron saint of prisoners.
Don't forget that the mother's lying-in period is also known as confinement!
Not to mention all the dangerous things they did to avoid being fertile! There was a good reason for giving up mules - mule testicles were used for magical abortions in Classical Antiquity. You can't have an animal that causes abortions and infertility hanging around like that. ;)
Though sometimes I think the people prescribing different measures were just mean-spirited. Take this Greco-Egyptian potion for attracting a lover, for example: "Rub together some gall of a wild boar, some rock salt, some Attic honey and smear it on the head of your penis." The fellow who wanted a spell done must've been rather thick and the magician wanted to make him suffer... right? :)
Brooke - You have to love those Italians. I can't imagine what it would have been like to be pregnant your whole life...if you made it past your child bearing years. Women must have been desperate to try anything.
Elizabeth - The Trotula is a great resource. I don't always understand all the concoctions but I am always surprised by how many they got right. Thanks for the twitter link!
Helen - yes it makes you understand why everyone got to witness births by the time the 18th century rolled around. They didn't want any sub babies thrown into the mix.
dolleygirl - yes, medicine before antibiotics could get pretty freakish
jfb- thanks!
Amanda - that's right...the confinement. I can't imagine having to sit in a bed sometimes months before the baby is born. I feel for all those mothers that get put on bed rest. That must be hell!
Emma - mules are a funny thing in fertility because we still use their hormones in our modern day birth control. Or maybe it is donkeys? I can't remember?
Oops! How did my comment get deleted? Stupid slow computer!
I said:
Too bad my husband wasn't around when all those poor royal ladies were desperate to get pregnant. He's like a one-man fertility clinc. I get preggers when I stand too close to him.
Great post! I enjoyed reading through it. We're also trying to get pregnant. That's why it's amazing for me to find out what the old folks use to improve fertility. I'm just wondering why the bulk of the work goes to women. But think that is still the case up to now.
Pregnancy is not easy but also it is not difficult. The couple who wish to have a baby, First they should have to know that, are they much fertile to conceive. If they are so then they have to make their diet healthy by taking dairy product and foods and vegetables that contain much folic acid and vitamin B-12, also avoid the use of caffeine, magnesia items and cut-off the habits of drinking alcohol and smoking. And have much info about pregnancy.tips to getting pregnant
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