Blog roll
I forgot to save my blogroll so I had to go by memory (huh?) on what was there before. If I accidentally deleted a blog or if you have a blog that you want added then either email me or add your site to the comments below.

Come follow me little children...
I added one of those "follow me" widgets. I am kind of uncomfortable with the whole follow me concept. My first association is a fairytale my grandmother used to enjoy telling - The Pied Piper of Hamlin. The Pied Piper was a bad man. One minute he was solving the rat problem and the next minute he was leading helpless children out to sea. That's what happens when you follow someone.
My next association is my mother harping in my teenage ears, "if your friends jumped off a bridge then would you?" I was taught to always be suspicious of anyone who says "follow me." I am not really sure what the purpose of the follow me gadget is? But I see everyone doing it on their it must be good. right? You can't all be crazy bridge jumpers.
I really, really love it! You are so talented! Can you bottle some and send it to me ;-)
I love it as much as Amy does =)
Well done!
I'm loving the header. Everything's looking great!
I like it!!!!
I really like it - especially the header! As for the "followers", I recently deleted mine from my blog when I noticed one of the followers little pictures was of a pair of women's breasts (sans clothing!). There were a couple of other questionable followers on there that I blocked, but I don't want to have to monitor it and I don't want to subject visitors to such crap.
I love the new design. I thought "Alice!" as soon as I saw it, so I must be talented like you (Lord above, I am a dork).
thanks everyone.
sheesh...please no boob icons on this blog.
I am still undecided on the follow me gadget. I personally prefer seeing all my favorite blogs in bloglines.
Several of your pictures just come up as question marks, so I don't know what your design looks like.
Liz - thanks for letting me know. Do you know what browser you are using?
That sometimes happens when there are too many images on the page. I just lowered my post count to 12. I hope that helps?
Let me know if anyone else experiences the same problem.
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