Graphologists (the people who study handwriting) will tell you that everyone’s signature changes over time. Your signature even changes from signing one document to immediately signing another. In fact, one of the first signs that graphologists look for in analyzing counterfeit signatures is if the signatures are too identical. Perfection is usually a dead give away that the signature is a forgery.
Now, for those of you who might be screaming POPPYCOCK at this very moment (a word that everyone should use at least once a day), I would point out that handwriting analysis is still used in crime investigations and in my corporate days I even had to undergo a handwriting analysis for a job I was applying too. (I didn’t get the job and have crossed my t’s low ever since). I studied graphology for years before I figured out that it is ten times harder than it looks. I say this with the disclaimer that the following is my novice attempt to analyze some of the signatures of famous Tudors.
First off, graphologists never use a signature alone to analyze someone. Usually, several writing samples have to be considered to get a good impression of overall characteristics. Signatures tend to be more practiced so they reveal clues about the public persona while the handwriting reflects more of the private persona.
Also keep in mind that we don’t have the luxury to see how Tudor signatures changed over time because often their signatures were created as seals to be placed on official documents and reused over and over again. In Henry VIII's case, a dry stamp was used to put his signature on royal documents when he got too lazy to lift his chubby hand. This dry stamp left an imprint which could then be inked in by members of the Privy Chamber. To avoid forgeries, only 3 people were allowed to use the stamp at a time. For this reason, I have not used examples of Henry's signature after 1545.
Ok let’s start with my favorite larger-than-life monarch….

You will notice that Henry’s signature is thick in some places and thin in others. Now you might say that this is caused by his choice of writing utensil, but that actually is not so. It’s the passion of the writer that truly determines the thick and thinness of the line. And even the choice of pen can indicate personal desires. The varying thick and thinness of his writing suggesting a varying degree of pressure. Whenever writing varies in pressure, it suggests a more volatile nature. You can see this varying pressure also in the love letter to Anne Boleyn shown below.
A person with varying pressure alternates his need for risk-taking and security. Henry obviously had a very mercurial personality. He would risk everything for the love/lust he felt for his second wife Anne Boleyn, but he then craved the security and domestic calm of Jane Seymour in his third choice of wife. We can see this is very different from the steady pressure that Anne Boleyn applied in her signature. (shown below)

Henry’s signature is also the best example of an illegible signature (by Tudor standards). In fact, all of the other examples here are pretty neat compared to Henry’s signature. A person with an illegible signature keeps his public persona very separate from his private persona. These people are often an enigma and even close friends rarely know them well. (You can now forgive your doctor for his messy signature)
Anne Boleyn
One of the first things that distinguishes Anne’s signature is her heavy pressure. This is a full bodied signature full of passion and sensuality. People who write with a heavy pressure are also forceful, dynamic and possess a tremendous determination. No one could argue that Anne was not determined in her quest for the King.

You will also notice that Anne chose to punctuate her name with “the queen” instead of abbreviating it with the good old Rex symbol. Many people today choose to abbreviate their names using initials for their first name. People who choose to write out every part of their name seek the limelight. These people are always willing to accept a new challenge. Obviously, Anne didn’t shy away from the limelight or the challenge to hold on to the King.

You will also notice that Anne’s writing in her letter takes up little space in the lower zone contrasted to Henry’s writing and certainly his signature which dips dips....dips into the lower zone. People with strong lower zones not only have strong sex drives, but also have a strong drive to accomplish all their goals…whatever the means. These people are often restless and are stimulated by variety. (I know again with the variety…ok the man liked variety. You get it)

One of the first striking things about Elizabeth’s signature is that it is honking HUGE compared to the rest of her writing. Whenever a signature is large in comparison to the rest of the writing it indicates the person has a lot more invested in the image that he/she projects to the rest of the world. I have already written about how Elizabeth created the Cult of Gloriana by being very careful about the image that she projected.
When Elizabeth was taken to the Tower and imprisoned on orders of her half-sister Mary Tudor we see a very different signature (below). Notice how small her signature is in comparison to her signature when she became queen (right).

Elizabeth’s signature also has several garlands on both the top and the bottom. Garlands are a sign of affability, but if the writing has too many then it represents the person trying too hard to be accepted. This is the “calculated” friendliness and a person who plasters a smile on their face to appeal to both friend and foe.
You will also notice that Elizabeth’s handwriting has very little slant. This is called an “A-slant” and it reflects a person who has an amazing control over their emotions. This is a person who makes decisions based on reason and is not swayed by emotional outbursts. An A-slant person can often seem cold and heartless when they are actually simply well-guarded individuals.

Mary Queen of Scots
Mary's signature and her writing are also very dominant in the middle zone. People who are dominant in the middle-zone can only think of terms in the hear and now. They may have grandiose plans, but they have little success putting them into action. If you believe Mary was involved in all the plots and intrigues against Elizabeth then this fits perfectly with her inability to predict the significance of her actions.
So there you have it. Royal Signatures analyzed by your novice graphologist. Yes, I will admit that many of these signatures and writing samples are hard to analyze in modern context because people wrote differently, but I do think it is interesting to compare them.
Did I at least make you self-conscience about your own signature?
Fascinating post! I've always been a fan of Elizabeth's signature, mine is so boring in comparison.
Totally delightful post as usual! Thanks bearded lady ;)
Another really interesting post, thanks! When you think of what they were all up to, seems like the handwriting fits the person. I've always loved Elizabeth's grandiose signature. Oh, and thanks for the link to the Napoleon blog...I guess I have 'this obsession'too. I'm completely hooked on Josephine and Bonaparte.
Wonderful, thoughtful post. I have an old fascination with handwriting analysis -- thanks for feeding it. :)
Wonderful post! I've always loved the study of handwriting - I can just imagine how hard it is to master.
That's a really interesting post- my dad recently asked me if I ever left letters off of the ends of words- he said that it signifies not being motivated to finish projects/ tasks...I think he might be trying to tell me something. I love all kinds of personality analysis, so this was really fun to read :)
This was fascinating! One of your best posts =)
Heather – no signature is boring! Every signature has clues.
Meredith – thanks! I am headed over to your blog now to check out your latest art.
Ms. Lucy – Napoleon is irresistible. Catherine Delors has a new novel that takes place during his lifetime coming out in few months. I will post a link when it is officially released.
Artandwords- Glad to feed a guilty pleasure.
Amy – It is so difficult. I have read countless books on the subject and I still can’t master it.
Sara- haha that’s funny. Do you also write with an upward slant? If you do, then you can tell your Dad that you are optimistic about finishing them.
Eduarda – Good to hear! I will write more posts like this in the future then.
Very insightful! But I was wondering ... what are the letters under Anne Boleyn's signature? An O and an H? What, if anything, does that mean?
That’s a good question. I thought it was just a loopy design but it probably does mean something. The only signature that I can think of that uses a similar design is Anthony Wydville’s ornate signature. Shown here:
If anyone knows if it has any significance then please let me know.
Thank you for posting this! But I disagree with Bothwell betraying Mary though. Darnley and Moray for sure, but Mary was somewhat naive in a sense that putting trust in people with blood relations. Scotland was more male-dominated country like France, so Mary's modesty makes sense. Thank you for posting this!
This is a smart blog. I mean it. You’ve so much knowledge about this issue, and so much passion. You also understand how to make people rally behind it, obviously from the responses. Youve got a style right here thats not too flashy, but makes a statement as large as what you are saying. Great job, indeed.
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