I have to take a tiny break from
Catherine de Medici this week. I am still researching the enigmatic mistress of Henri II, Diane de Poitiers and she is proving to be an uncooperative subject. The problem lies in the fact that I am finding a mass of contradictions from various sources. This leads to an obviously sticky problem – who’s version of history do we believe? Protestants hated Diane. Catholics loved her. Both had a hard time keeping their religious prejudices out of the equation.
What is certain is that there will be tons of rumors to debunk. Stay tuned…
Can't wait to read what you find out!
Oh but contradictions can be so much fun!(Unless you're the one debunking them...hang in there). Can't wait to read about it. Thanks,
I just commented to say I liked your blog very much =)
I'm a history fanatic and when i found this i was just more than happy. You're style of writing captivated me so much and i just cant stop reading. Both thumbs up for you! ;D
p.s: i'm sory for my english, i'm not a native english speaker
This is a great blog. What fun! I can't wait to find out what you learn about Diane...
BTW - I just ordered your book online. My local Borders didn't have it in stock. Can't wait to read it.
Thanks everyone. Diane is a tough one. But I am finding some real juicy stuff!
Meg, let me know how you like the book. All Barnes & Nobles should have it in their stores. You will never find it in Borders. (long story)
Weird that borders won't carry it in their store, but they have it online.
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